Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lilac Lust

My neighbors have a beautiful lilac tree. I thought a few blooms might flop over into my yard but not this year. Here are some flowers from my garden...they're just not the same because lilacs smell so good.... I guess I'll have to ask them for a few this evening to add to my arrangement.


  1. Hi Jana: This is my second note as the first one didn't show up for some reason. It is funny that you mention lilacs as Larry and I spent the day yesterday working on the yard and we prunned the lilacs and I cut a bunch for the house. They smell sooooooooooooo good. Let me know if you get any from your neighbor otherwise I'll bring you some Tue. We had a great week in Oregon and I have missed everyone.

  2. Hi Jana,
    Mine are blooming finally! Think they are about 6 weeks late though...get down to the garden center and get a couple to plant in your yard so that next year you will not have to have Lilac envy!!!!

    Donna Lynn
