Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Willow Tree Figurines

At Joyworks we always strive to have a nice display of Willow Tree Figurines.

In this ninth year of Willow Tree, Susan Lordi continues to create sculptures that speak in quiet and meaningful ways of healing and hope,love and family. Her newest Figurines capture moments in time which turn them into lifelong memories.

We have carried Willow Tree since the very beginning...I still remember seeing the small display in a booth at the Atlanta Gift Show and thinking that these angels were cute and our customers would love them.


  1. Wow, I need to tell my friend about all these figurines she loves them!

    Hope you are having a great week so far!

  2. Hey there!

    I was just looking for blogs that were similar to mine to do a blogroll link exchange with and came across your site which is in the same category as mine. My website is willowtreefigurinesandangels.com, have a look and see if it's the sort of site you'd like to provide a link for and I'll do the same back for you!
