Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Here Kitty Kitty...

Look what I found on my porch this afternoon...a sweater kitty.


  1. Hi, i felt kinda silly but you had a heck of a day and you are such a great person , and it would of bugged me all night. Glad it all turned out well. I was so shocked to see the inside of the house when i looked thru the front door, i thought you could see me too. Or i would of just walked away cause i heard him there. lol. I still need your # though. I think your hair looks good by the way . As i was looking thru the window I thought to myself "well she looks darn good even though she doesnt feel that mishelle

  2. Another cute surprise on your blog. I just loving coming here every day or two and there is something new.
    Cute Kitty!
    Barbara Jean
    Treasures from the Heart

  3. I want one!!!! I knew you could do it Jana. It is so cute and will go perfectly in the window at work.

  4. Such a cute kitty,kitty ....she looks so cute with our sweater snowman, or is it a snowlady ? such a cute winter wonderland !
