Saturday, December 12, 2009

Santa at Joyworks and Parlour Tour

This is a busy holiday weekend...
We have Santa coming today to Joyworks from 1:00-5:00...I think I will have to sit on Santa's lap for a's been a long time...

Also the Snohomish Christmas Parlour Tour is on Sunday. The tour is always a very fun event and this year the houses on the tour are decorated beautifully.
You can buy your tickets at Joyworks the day of the event or before.
Tonight I got a preview of Stephanie's house... so great!
Here is a sneak peak...I'll share more later ... I just got home from my husband's office party which was at an art gallery in cool!


  1. I wondered if u went. Its snowing but i may still go is it worth it?

  2. Oh I would have liked to have gone, looks like I am missing a good one this year, darn. But can't so I will live vicariously through any photos people took, like these, amazing!!
    Linda Q
