A customer ran in the other day and asked me if we had petticoats...
I said, "Yes we do!"
They are the perfect little accessory to make an ordinary outfit extra cute!
I've put them under sun dresses and skirts adding a little peak of lace at the bottom. They also work great to make a dress or top a little longer.
Joyworks we carry this adorable half slip for $22.99 in ivory,gray,black,and taupe. We also carry a nice supply of full slips...all adorned with lace.

A petticoat or underskirt is an article of
clothing for women; specifically an
undergarment to be worn under a
skirt or a dress. The petticoat is a separate garment hanging from the waist (unlike the
chemise).In historical contexts (sixteenth to mid-nineteenth centuries), petticoat refers to any separate skirt worn with a
bodice or
jacket; these petticoats are not strictly speaking underwear as they were made to be seen. In both historical and modern contexts, petticoat refers to skirt-like undergarments worn for warmth or to give the skirt or dress the desired fashionable shape. In this context a petticoat may be called a waist slip or underskirt (UK) or
half slip (US), with petticoat restricted to extremely full garments. Petticoat can also refer to a full-length slip in the UK,
[1] although this usage is somewhat old-fashioned.