Thank you to all our supporters of Joyworks and our Blog while we have been away. I am back from my weekend getaway and will now try to fill Jana's shoes while she is gone. I spent a fabulous weekend down in Central Oregon for our annual "Girls Getaway" with my mother-in-law, two sisters-in-law, Aunt, cousin and friend..... As you can see by the pictures I've shared with you it is beautiful. We were surrounded by snow covered mountains in Sisters, Oregon and had clear blue skies with temps in the 80's. It was amazing and we had so much fun.
Tomorrow I am back at work and am anxious to see what new arrivals we have so I can share them with you. Thanks again for your patience.
So glad you are back missed your posts! I am happy you had such a wonderful time girl bonding, what fun! Did you shop while you were gone? You know I totally forgot to call you gals on the vintage rose oil painting, could you comment and let me know how much it is? Thanks so much,
Donna Lynn
Hello from Palm Springs!! It's a good thing that I have small feet so my shoes aren't hard to fill. The Jay Leno show was very fun--and so was the flea market. The weather has been super great and I'm getting a nice tan...Jill I love my new pants and shorts!!
Have a fun day...
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