My parents gave me this cute ottoman for Christmas...Love it!
And these great pillow cases...
I bought home this pillow from Joyworks...I'm hoping to find more for the shop at the Atlanta Gift Show in January.
I found this saying and thought this was the perfect script for me... :)
That is a really cute ottoman, love script also. judy
You are the envy of very cute, great for putting your feet up and sweeet dreams !
Cute Goodies Jana! I especially love the quote! Amen Sister!!!
Oh my Stars,I am all plugged up and sneezy like the last time,,,,,,Lordy, what is it THIS time I feel exactly like I did, what, around Thanksgiving...But no sore throat again either. Just Sneezy and Drippy! Ackkkk!!!
Geesh, won't see you Sat because it's New Years Day! I guess I'll see you Next Year! :)
I love the quote. Perhaps I will dig out the embroidery floss. I had so much fun in the shop Sunday, and as I spread the goodness around the house yesterday, I thought of the first trip to Joyworks with my Gram. This was when you were upstairs in a different buillding. Sweet memories. Wishing all the Joyworks crew a joy filled New Year.
I love the ottoman Jana and so want it. We are having a winter wonderland holiday in Bend. Although I heard you had snow today, so hmmm, wonder who opened the store. See you all soon for inventory, yippee!
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