Last night I went to a very fun Junk Swap party. Everybody brings two pieces of good junk and it all goes on one table. We then draw numbers to determine the order of when you get to visit the junk table. I was so excited to get this wonderful paper wreath made by Trish. A couple of us had also considered making one to bring but thought in the end it was too much work with the glue gun. I've had a couple bad burns this year and I'm sorry to say that poor Trish still had blisters on her finger tips...
If you are adventurous and would like to give one a try go here.
Oh I love htis reath. I saw one but it did not have the jewles on it.
Sure adds a lot!!
I love the pic on your banner.
Is it anything that is available to use?
Would love to make some cards or tags using it.
thanks and blessings
barbara jean
I loved seeing you! :) And Im so glad you got the wreath I made:) It was ALL worth the burnt fingertips! :)
Hope to see you soon, I have some Christmas shopping to do and need to come stop in:)
LOVE it, what a cool original idea!! Hugs, Janna
Well that sounds like a fun party.
I like it the wreath.
Linda Q
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